
“Loved the Neurosculpting meditation! Brought a great sense of peace and calm and helped release some difficult emotions!”


“I have participated in many programs that included guided meditation with some very prominent guides. Lisa’s guided meditation technique is easily one of my top 2 favorites. Her voice, tone and guidance was so simple and yet extremely powerful. I have requested...


I won a free session with Lisa a few weeks ago. I sometimes can be pretty skeptical when it comes to anything woo-woo-ey and even though I know Lisa, I actually wasn’t sure what I was in for regarding this. Turns out, what she does is pretty freakin’ awesome and...


“Lisa has the tools that helped me end trauma, weight loss and relationship roller coasters in my life! Stop beating yourself up for things you have struggled for years trying to change. It was as simple as retraining over 6 weeks what held me back for years! Thank...


“Thank you for a powerful first session today Lisa! I was blow away by how, within the first 15 minutes, you were able to zero in on exactly what it was I needed to get past this block that I’ve been wrestling with for the past few months. I’m so grateful...


“Lisa has a natural ability to connect on a deep, intimate level with an enthusiasm for helping people find a balanced life; her mission to focus on self-care encourages confidence, strength, and power. I knew she was a blessing in my life the moment our paths...